3 Languages Toddler A



Toddler Special: All three languages in one.

Suitable for: 0 to 3 years old; those who have No prior knowledge of the language

Includes: 30 songs (1 DVD, 1 CD, 1 picture book)

Advantages: 1. Learn 3 languages at the same time (English, Chinese, and Spanish in 1 package); 2. Picture-book creates a more fun listening and learning experience; 3. Interactive DVD animations.

Please see our complete list of subject titles:

English: 1. I Can Swim; 2. My Little Hands; 3. My Little Feet; 4. My Happy Family; 5. Lovely Baby; 6. My Starry Eyes; 7. Mommy! Please Come Back! 8. Brush Your Teeth! 9. Rainy Day! 10. The Flying Dragon.

Chinese: 11.眼 睛, 12.小 手, 13.小 脚, 14.宝宝肚子饿, 15.爱干净的宝宝, 16.晚安, 17.小蜻蜓, 18.小小画家, 19.下雪了, 20.风筝.

Spanish: 21.¡Qué bonitas flores!; 22.¡Mis manitas!; 23.¡Mis piececitos!; 24.¡Mi niña ríe!; 25.¡Baña al gatito!; 26.Ojitos, ojazos; 27.Mi gatito tiene hambre; 28.¡Cepíllate!; 29.La lluvia; 30.¡Vuela dragón!



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