• How can I list my products and open a shop on KidInventor site?

Our user-friendly system is simple, and easy. Here is the guide:
1. Click Vendor Login icon or My Account icon to register.
2. Check “Become a Vender” box to proceed for our approval.
3. Once we approved, you will receive an email and notify you that your account is active.
4. You can login at My Account, click Vendor on the top bar, and select the Vendor Dashboard.
5. From the Vendor’s Dashboard, you can create your store page within 15 min. Here are the steps:

• Click “Shop Setting” to set your shop. Note that your name, email, address, and website will not show to public at your shop pages. If you want your customers to contact you, please fill them at “Seller Info” or “Shop Description” below.
• Fill “Seller Info” (This is displayed on each of your products). You can put your info, such as your contact info, business bio, or your terms and policies. You can click “Add Media” to add photos or videos.
• Fill “Shop Description” (This is displayed on your shop page). You can put your shop descriptions, such as your business history, service contact info, promotions, or your terms and policies, on there. You can click “Add Media” to add photos or videos.
• Click “+NEW” to add your Product/Service or Media items at the best-fit of categories.
• Add your product description, photos, and prices.
• Add you shipping method and shipping fee.
• Click Publish.

6. You will have your KidInventor web page link for you to post to different places. Using Vendor’s Dashboard, you can add, edit, or delete your products in your shop page anytime.

7. You can review and track your sales, update delivery status, or make refund at your shop page.

• How does my account work?

Vendors have their own customize storefronts, and the products blend in with the site through the product categories and our powerful “Search” Function.
You can view live sales and daily/weekly sales reports on your backend pages. When a buyer purchased your goods, you will get Auto Notification at your email address. Then you should ship the product to the buyer and check the Shipped at Order status on the order Page. Once you checked Shipped or Processed, an email will automatically sent to the buyer.
Vendors have full control to manage their own user accounts, media, and shop pages